Marketing Offices : USA and France Quality Assurance and Control :

Every marketing office comprises of a team of designers responsible for the design development ably aided by sales personnels that furnish the product to the various customers we represent. We have a customer oriented approach whereby every client has an individual member from our marketing team looking after his interests.

The final word in product analysis, this team is dedicated to ensure stringent Quality AQL standards are maintained. Besides inhome fabric and garment testing, the department works in close collaboration with SGS and ITS as and when required. 

Merchandising : Compliance :

AVL comprises of a team of experienced and qualified personal, who are ably responsible for product sourcing/development and communication. Analyzing production capacity and space, timely placements and execution, shipments status and follow-ups, all form an integral part of this division.

AVL conducts stringent and regular inspections, ensuring that our supplier base maintains compliance issues adhering to Child Labour, Health and Safety Equipment and environmental waste management. An awareness of key Human Rights plays a pivotal role in our vendor base selection. 

Production Offices : Bangladesh, India and China Our Manufacturing Partners are Compliant with INTERNATIONAL Standards and Code of Conduct :

The organogram of these production centers is interlinked by an MIS software that enables online monitoring and updates to our entire customer base. All merchandise related information is available at the punch of a key.

Research and Development / R&D :

A subdivision of Merchandising, this department keeps abreast of latest fashion and fabric trends, giving AVL not just a valued intel into fashion forecasts, but an undeniable edge over its competitors.

Fair, Ethical & Sustainable Sourcing : Shipping and Logistics :

Diversified product range including Flat & circular knits, Shirting's, Woven Bottoms, Outerwear, Sportswear.
Ethical, compliant and sustainable sourcing in every aspect of our operations and supply chain management. Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program is the tool where we execute rigorous supplier certifications, coaching and mentoring, proprietary audits and unannounced monitoring.

All manufacturers are also required to achieve and maintain certifications and those of the individual buyers/customers or other international accredited organizations. Consumer and regulatory demands for more sustainable clothing and textiles are growing and the fashion industry is rising to the challenge. As a global business, we understand the responsibility we have to our people and planet.

A team dedicatedly ensuring that not only all documents are made in accordance to L/C, but are dispatched in time, facilitating a procurement of the Import license in advance, by its customers.

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